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//-->The truth about airport securitySoftBank: a rare risk-taker in JapanRice, the world’s most distorted staplePutting the laugh into the Laffer curveNOVEMBER14TH–20TH 2015Economist.comHomoerotic fiction in ChinaThe Chroniclesof DebtA saga that haunts theworld economyThe best seats in thehouse are no longer inyour house.Welcome to the front row.Or, would you prefer to beright up there onstage? Lincoln and the audio experts at Revel®Audio explored the limits of the human audible spectrum soyou’ll not only hear,you’ll feel.By designing waveguides into doors,so sound becomes not just cleaner and clearer, but immersive.By studying the efects of listening while in motion and while still.By questioning everything, then nding new answers. By tuningthe entire cabin so that each and every luxurious seat is fit foran audiophile. Revel sound – just one of the truly amazinginnovations you’ll discover in the entirely new Lincoln MKX.inco ncomeveT H E F E E L I N G S TAY S W I T H YO .The Revel Audio System is optional on the 2016 Lincoln MKX. Revel is a trademark of HARMAN International Industries, Incorporated. All rights reserved. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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