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Lay down these words

Before your mind like rocks.

                  placed solid, by hands

In choice of place, set

Before the body of the mind

                  in space and time:

Solidity of bark, leaf or wall

                  riprap of things:

Cobble of milky way,

                  straying planets,

These poems, people,

                  lost ponies with

Dragging saddles --

                  and rocky sure-foot trails.

The worlds like an endless


Game of Go.

                  ants and pebbles

In the thin loam, each rock a word

                  a creek-washed stone

Granite: ingrained

                  with torment of fire and weight

Crystal and sediment linked hot

                  all change, in thoughts,

As well as things.



(second shaman song)


Squat in swamp shadows.

              mosquitoes sting;

              high light in cedar above.


Crouched in a dry vain frame

                – thirst for cold snow

                – green slime of bone marrow

Seawater fills each eye


Quivering in nerve and muscle

Hung in the pelvic cradle

Bones propped against roots

A blind flicker of nerve


Still hand moves out alone

Flowering and leafing

              turning to quartz

Streaked rock               congestion of karma

The long body of the swamp.

A mud-streaked thigh.


Dying carp biting air

              in the damp grass,

River recedes. No matter.


Limp fish sleep in the weeds

The sun dries me as I dance



Old Woman Nature


Old Woman Nature

                            naturally has a bag of bones

                            tucked away somewhere.

                            a whole room full of bones!


A scattering of hair and cartilage

              bits in the woods.


A fox scat with hair and a tooth in it.

              a shellmound

                            a bone flake in the streambank.


A purring cat, crunching

              the mouse head first,

                            eating on down towards the tail –


The sweet old woman

              calmly gathering firewood in the

                                          moon . . .


Don’t be shocked,

She’s heating you some soup.



Ripples on the Surface


“Ripples on the surface of water
were silver salmon passing under—different
from the sorts of ripples caused by breezes”

A scudding plume on the wave—
a humpback whale is
breaking out in air up
gulping herring
—Nature not a book, but a performance, a
high old culture.

Ever-fresh events
scraped out, rubbed out, and used, used, again—
the braided channels of the rivers
hidden under fields of grass—

The vast wild
the house, alone.
the little house in the wild,
the wild in the house.

both forgotten.

No nature.

Both together, one big empty house.





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